Terms of Service
Please read the following terms of use and disclaimers carefully before using this Web Site. “Web site” means the Internet web site that includes the URL: www.credbergim.com
The “Terms of Use” means the terms and conditions governing the use of this website as set out herein and as may be amended from time to time.
Credberg Investment Management Private Limited (CIMPL) maintains this Website (the “Site”) for your personal use. Your access to and use of this Site is subject to the following Terms of Use. CIMPL reserves the right to update these Terms of Use at any time without notice to you. By choosing to use this Site, you accept and acknowledge, without limitation or qualification, these Terms of Use. However, if you do NOT agree to these Terms of Use, please DO NOT use this Site. We may update the terms of use of this website from time to time and your continued use of this website following the posting of an update in the terms of use constitutes your acceptance of the update posted.
While CIMPL endeavours to provide the updated and reliable information in this Site, CIMPL makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability or otherwise with respect to such information, and assumes no liability or responsibility for any omissions or errors in the content of the information provided on this Site.
CIMPL retains the right at all times at its sole discretion to periodically revise the information, services and resources provided on this Site and reserves the right to make such further changes, as it deems fit and proper, without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective visitors.
The information contained on this Web Site is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute any financial, accounting, legal or tax advice. The users of the Web Site agree to bear all risks associated with their use of the Web Site, including the availability, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, usefulness and appropriateness of the Web Site and its content. Many factors unknown to Credberg may affect the applicability and effect of any information on this Web Site to you.
Please consult a Credberg Investment Management or any other of your advisors before acting on any information contained on this Web Site.
You may download the contents from this Site exclusively for purpose of non-commercial and personal use only, provided the copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices remain unchanged, un-altered and are visible at all times to the readers. Using our services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our services or the content you access on the Site. You further agree that no right, title or interest in the content of any downloaded materials is transferred to you as a result of any such act of downloading and/or copying. You also agree that you will not otherwise copy, modify, alter, display, distribute, sell, broadcast or transmit any materials provided on the Site in any manner without the prior written permission of CIMPL.
As a condition of your use of the Site, you will not use the Site for any purpose that is unlawful and/or prohibited by these Terms of Use or any applicable laws including but not limited to the Information Technology Act & Rules, 2002 as may be amended from time to time.
Other than as expressly set out in these terms, the website and its contents are provided on an “as is” basis. CIMPL expressly disclaims all warranties, including the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. CIMPL disclaims all responsibility for any loss, injury, claim, liability or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of or any way related to (a) any errors in or omissions from this website and the content, including but not limited to technical inaccuracies and typographical errors, (b) any third party web sites or content therein directly or indirectly accessed through links in this website, including but not limited to any errors in or omissions therefrom, (c) the unavailability of the website or any portion thereof, (d) your use of this website or (e) your use of any equipment or software in connection with the website.
Certain amount of the information contained on this Web Site represents or is based upon forward-looking statements or information. The Company believes that such statements and information are based upon reliable estimates and assumptions. However forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain and may cause events or results to differ from the projected. Therefore undue reliance should not be placed on such forward-looking statements and information. Likewise in considering the prior performance information contained herein, prospective investors should bear in mind the past performance and experience is not necessarily indicative of future results, and there can be no assurance of achieving comparable results.
In no event and under no legal or equitable theory, whether in tort, contract, strict liability or otherwise, shall CIMPL be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, or punitive, incidental or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information contained herein, including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, revenues, financial losses, loss of goodwill or reputation, loss of data, work stoppage, accuracy of results, or computer failure or malfunction.
This limitation of liability will apply even if the damages are as a result of negligence, fault or wrongdoing of CIMPL, its information providers, or anyone for whom CIMPL or its information providers are responsible.
Any clause declared invalid shall be deemed severable and not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of these terms of use. The information, products and services described on this Web Site are not intended for distribution to, or use by, and are in particular not directed to, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise, such distribution or use would be prohibited or contrary to any law or regulation or would obligate us to comply with any additional law, regulation or registration or similar requirement within such jurisdiction or country. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply may not and should not access this Web Site.
You agree and acknowledge to defend, indemnify and hold CIMPL and its directors, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, suits, damages, litigation costs and expenses or actions, and attorney’s fees, arising from a third party(s) claim, and/or related to your use of the Site or violation of these terms.
Unless otherwise noted, the graphic images, buttons and text contained in this Site are the exclusive property of CIMPL and its subsidiaries. Except for personal use, these items may not be copied, distributed, displayed, reproduced, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of CIMPL. The copyright in the materials provided in the Site is vested with CIMPL.
This Site features logos, brand identities and other trademarks and service marks (collectively, the “Marks”) are the property of, or are licensed to CIMPL and its subsidiaries. Nothing contained on this Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Mark displayed on this Site without prior written permission of CIMPL and/or any such third party(s) that may own a Mark displayed on the Site.
As a convenience to users, this Site may link to other sites owned and operated by third parties and not maintained by CIMPL. However, even if such third parties are affiliated with CIMPL, CIMPL has no control over these linked sites. The content of the site is the sole responsibility of such third parties that makes it available. CIMPL is not responsible for the contents of the materials of any linked sites and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. Viewing such third-party sites is entirely at your own consent and risk.
CIMPL maintains and operates this Site from its offices in Mumbai, India. These Terms of Use are governed and interpreted under the Indian laws and adjudicated before the competent Court of Law of Mumbai, India. By using this Site you consent to the jurisdiction of the courts located in Mumbai for any action and/or claims arising from these Terms of Use. If any portion of these Terms of Use is deemed unlawful, void or unenforceable, then that part shall be deemed severable and shall be construed in accordance with applicable law. Such a term will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. CIMPL failure to act with respect to a breach of these Terms of Use by you or others does not constitute a waiver and shall not limit CIMPL rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breaches.